Nehemiah 4:6 - At last the wall was completed to half its height around the entire city, for the people had worked with enthusiasm. (NLT)

I am one of those people who tend to only measure progress and achievement by the outcome or the end state of a project. But in today’s passage, we learn Nehemiah wasn’t like this. He took the time to acknowledge that the wall was halfway built. Not only did he acknowledge the advancement of the wall, but he also praised the work ethic and attitude of the people he worked with.
Perhaps, like me, you need to give yourself more grace when working on a task? Maybe you need to step back and acknowledge the progress you have made in the last year, 6 months, quarter or month? Lastly, perhaps this reflection can be done with the team you have been working with? It could be that your small recognition of the work already done, might spur your team on to work smarter and, in turn, faster towards your end goal.