What's the Lord Saying?
My weekly devotional helping you digest the Bible into bitesize practical nuggets
Giving Out of Wealth and Poverty
God is NOT a Magician
‘The Fear of the Lord’ Type of Leadership
Our Specific Callings are NOT an Excuse to Ignore Injustice
Dismissing the Concerns of Your Team?....Big Mistake
Make Time to Reflect on Your Progress
Your Critics Will Be Angry At Your Success!
Don’t be Surprised if Your Achievements are Belittled!
Progress Does Not Stop Opposition, Don’t Allow Opposition to Stop You!
Starting Builds Momentum
Believe God and Start!
Stand Firm in the Face of Opposition!
He is Here!
Freedom – The Reason for our Freedom
Reminder! God Forgives and God Heals!
Pause and Remember
The Correct Response to the Resurrection
Gentleness – An Unexpected Route to Healing
Am I Lazy?
Boaz – The Kind Gentleman