Psalm 103: 2 - Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. (KJV)
Devotional Series: Psalm 103

Our salvation is the greatest blessing the Lord has given us. But anyone who has had even a brief relationship with the Lord knows that there are many benefits beyond this great gift.
I have found it helpful to take time to pause and remember whenever I have seen the faithfulness and direction of God in my own life. Often, these moments of reflection lead to times of worship and thanksgiving which in turn cause my soul to be refreshed and uplifted. I am sure that you might have been encouraged to give thanks in times of discouragement, which of course is true and worth doing. But I have found, that giving thanks in times of peace, happiness and when things are just simply okay is also uplifting for my soul (a hidden benefit from the Lord!).
We don’t need to be in times of difficulty or on the other side of a miracle to be grateful to God or offer up our thanksgiving. Instead, we are to give thanks at all times whether they be good, bad, ugly or just simply okay. (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We can learn to give thanks by remembering all the good that the Lord has done for us.
Psalm 103: 2 - Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me. (NLT)