Psalm 103: 4 - He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. (NLT)
Devotional Series: Psalm 103
Probably one of the greatest misunderstandings about the Christian faith by people of no faith in a post-Christian setting, is the belief that Christianity is full of rules that prevent people from living a full and fun life. Those of us who have a real relationship with the Lord, know that this couldn’t be further from the truth. We know and have experienced real moments of divine intervention and deliverance which have not only enhanced our lives but also saved us from years of hurt and pain.
Whether it has been a verse that has stood out to us in our quiet time with the Lord, a prompting from the Holy Spirit to do something differently, a random encounter in a coffee shop, or an open door suddenly slamming shut, looking back we have seen that the Lord has continually saved us from our own terrible mistakes and the hands of unscrupulous individuals.
His benefits don’t stop there, even when we have ignored his promptings or advice, the Lord still shows us his love and mercy. Whilst we may face the consequences of our actions, we have found that the Lord still welcomes us back into relationship with him. We can recover from our mistakes and move forward with our lives.
I once heard a preacher say, “Because nothing is impossible with God, when we make a mistake and go on a detour but eventually return to the Lord’s guidance, His plans B, C, D or Z can turn out to be way better than his original plan A!”
That’s our God!